Monday, January 17, 2011

Cabo San Lucas and Art

Taking a much needed vacation this last fall was so wonderful. While sitting out on the veranda, my mind was creating all kinds of art.

The first painting was from a trip I had taken a couple of years ago that I had wanted to paint, but with all of the other things in my life getting in the way, I had decided it was finally time to get directional and  paint the image.

This painting is of the Club Cascasdas in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Club Cascadas has stone-faced surfaced paths that meander through the sand to round sculptured villas with thatched bamboo roofs nestled in groves of palm trees and tropical flora.

Club Cascasdas, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Watercolor painting  22 1/2"  X   16"

The Finisterra Hotel in Cabo San Lucas was another beautiful place that provided me with a wonderful chance for some mental relaxation I so much needed. Staying at both places brought me the sense of wanting to paint as soon as I got home. I could see a painting in everything I viewed while sitting out on the veranda.

  Finisterra Hotel,Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Watercolor      16" x 22 1/2"

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, Marti! Particularly like the shadows in the second one. :)
